Sheva Straus

About Me

A meticulous and creative React web dev who's always up for a challenge

A Quick Bio

I am a web developer with over a year of experience who brings excitement and appreciation to the elegance of React and its related technologies. I'm seeking a position to challenge myself, further exercise my knowledge base, continue to learn new technologies, and achieve company goals. I'm passionate about building beautiful and intuitive websites that solve everyday problems. My superpowers are problem-solving, patience, meticulousness, and collaboration. My passions and skills work in tandem to develop creative and beautiful web applications.

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Core Skills

These technologies form the foundation of my knowledge base.


Building robust web applications using industry-standard NPM libraries

React Native

Creating flexible and clean apps that can be deployed to Android, iOS, and many other platforms


Writing maintainable and scalable code


Everyone's favourite strongly typed programming language


Using clean and semantic HTML 5 markup


Achieving beautiful and responsive web layouts

My Portfolio

Projects that were as much fun to build as they are to use.

  • All
  • Web
  • App

BookShare is a hyper-localised book borrowing and lending web application that fosters relationships among neighbours based on a shared love of reading.

Technologies: React, Sass (front end), Node, Express (back end), Google Books API, Google Maps, EmailJS

SnackPicker is a native application that can be downloaded to both Android and iOS operating systems. After filling your snacks list, the app takes your current mood into account and suggests an appropriate snack item.

Technologies: React Native, Expo, Async Storage, Native Base

React30 builds on Wes Bos's JavaScript30 learning program and converts each of his vanilla JS projects to React.js

Technologies: React, Sass

Tools and Workflow

Some additional skills I pack in my toolbox, with more added consistently


A preprocessor scripting language that makes styling easy to read and maintain

VS Code

The industry-standard code editor that streamlines the code-creating process. Fun fact: VSCode was coded in JavaScript!


A version control system to track code changes and to collaborate efficiently


Backends that pair with a React frontend for a full-stack application


Executing JavaScript in any runtime environment


I have excellent oral and written communication skills


I am experienced in agile methodology using a scrum process

Photo editing

Creating and editing photos, icons, and other images

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